Monday, February 12, 2018

Contractors wanted for £650m power plant

North London Waste Authority (NLWA) is holding an industry open day for potential suppliers on a new £650m power plant.

A whole range of work packages will be up for grabs on the 10-year construction programme to deliver the North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP) at Edmonton EcoPark.

The development on a 16 hectare site in the Upper Lee Valley will ensure the ongoing ability to dispose of waste responsibly and cost effectively for many years to come.

Companies engaged in the project should work to the highest standards of health and safety, work as a “good neighbour”, be committed to equality, diversity and inclusion, and play a positive role in skills development of their workforce.

The components of the NLHPP are:

  • an Energy Recovery Facility (ERF), to be located in the north of the site, which will treat up to 700,000 tonnes of residual waste a year and provide enough electricity to power over 127,000 homes, with some energy diverted to supply heat to local homes and businesses via a heat network;
  • a Resource Recovery Facility (RRF), to be located in the south of the site, which is where bulky waste will be separated for recycling, and will also be the location of a recycling centre for the public and businesses from 2021;
  • EcoPark House, located near the River Lee Navigation, which will contain office accommodation and a visitors’ centre where people can find out more about recycling, waste, heat, and power; and
  • demolition and removal of the existing Energy from Waste (EfW) facility, which will reach the end of its operational life around 2025.

The estimated capital costs for the project are £650m.

In advance of main construction activities, a series of preparatory works will be required to prepare the site, provide new utilities and create new site access points.

The industry open day will explain in greater detail NLWA’s proposals for the preparatory works so that interested companies can engage as soon as practicable in the plans.

NLWA will also invite views from the supplier market on the proposed procurement strategy, interfaces between the packages and risk allocations.

Procurement of the other packages will be subject to a separate market engagement exercise which will be completed at a later date.

For more information about attending visit here or fill in the registration form here

NLWA will also be keen to hear from the construction industry on ways in which this project can promote innovation, sustainability, and engagement with the local supply chain.

At this stage NLWA is primarily seeking to engage with main contractors.

Potential subcontractors to these procurements are welcome to submit their company details to for NLWA to pass them on to main contractors.

NLWA’s strategy is to sequence construction by developing the preparatory works, then the Resource Recovery Facility and EcoPark House, and then the main Energy Recovery Facility construction, with a view to the latter being operational by the end of 2025.

Breakdown of preparatory works packages:

Work Element Package description Approx start of procurement Approx construction date
Laydown area, and Northern and Eastern Access Formation of a temporary laydown area to the east of the site (installation of drainage, roads, hardstanding, electrical and water distribution, safety/security systems, etc.) Q2 2018 Q1 2019 to

Q4 2019

Improvement works to Lee Park Way access and construction of a new eastern access bridge
Utility Bridge and Corridor Construction of a new utility bridge to south of site, and new utility corridor along Salmon’s Brook (civils works), installation of potable water pipework Q2 2018 Q1 2019 to

Q4 2020

Temporary diversion and reinstatement of medium pressure gas mains
Temporary diversion and reinstatement of 200mm protected water main
Installation of a new medium pressure gas main pipework and construction of a new gas kiosk in the north of the site
Sewer Diversion Diversion of the Chingford and Angel sewers in the south of the site, including temporary and permanent works, manhole / shaft construction, groundwater control, etc. Q4 2018 Q3 2019 to

Q2 2020

RRF and northern site clearance Development of the RRF including weighbridges, roads, hardstanding, earthworks, drainage, landscaping, lighting CCTV and fencing, preparation of the northern area of the site, and replacement ash barn construction

NB: a separate industry engagement will be held for construction of this facility

Q2 2019 Q2 2020 to

Q3/4 2021

Site-wide Works


Site-wide works in the south will include: surface water and foul drainage networks, temporary firefighting systems, telecoms and CCTV cabling, car parking, exterior lighting, fencing Q2 2019 Q2 2020 to

Q4 2025

Site-wide works in the north will include: surface water and foul drainage networks, temporary firefighting systems, telecoms and CCTV cabling, car parking, exterior lighting, fencing
HV power distribution in south of site, 11kV ring main and associated equipment, cabling and connection points for HV users in south of site
EcoPark House Development of EcoPark House including piling works, roads, hardstanding, earthworks drainage, landscaping, fencing, lighting Q2 2019 Q2 2020 to

Q4 2021

ERF Construction and commissioning of the ERF

NB: a separate industry engagement will be held for construction of this facility

Q2 2020 Q2 2022 to

Q4 2025

Decommissioning and Demolition of EfW Facility Decommissioning, demolition and removal of the existing EfW facility Q3 2025 Q2 2026 to

Q2 2028

Southern Access Widening Widening of current southern access bridge Q4 2025 Q3 2026 to

Q2 2027

UKPN Grid Connection Installation of two completely new power export circuits, including additional cable length from EfW facility to ERF, onsite cable trenching, switchyard and switch room, switch board and switch yard, interlinking back-feed cabling Circa 2022/23 Q1 2023 to

Q4 2024


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